Zhao Wen
Associate Professor
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Basic information

Nanme:Wen ZHAO

Gender: Male

Administrative Position:

Academic Title: Associate Professor

Education: Ph.Doctor

Office: Room 311, College of Philosophy, Nankai University, Tongyan Road 38, Jinnan District,300350 Tianjin, China.

Email: wenzhao358@163.com

Research Interests:Mahāyāna Buddhist Philosophy; Comparative Philosophy and Dialogue of Civilization; Chinese Religious Thoughts and Cultures





2012-2018 Dr. phil, Buddhist Studies in the Doctoral Program in Buddhist Studies, Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität, München, Germany


Work Experience

2015 Visiting scholar in the Oxford Center for Buddhist Studies, Oxford University, UK

2019 Visiting scholar in the IKGF, UniversitätErlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

2018-2021 Lecturer in the College of Philosophy, Nankai University, China

2022- Associate Professor in the College of Philosophy, Nankai University, China



Courses for Bachelor Students:

The Introduction to the Chinese Buddhist Philosophy, The Buddhist Thoughts and the Asian Culture, The Reading Session of Buddhist Philosophy, The Asian Philosophy History

Courses for Postgraduate Students:

The Introduction to the Buddhist Philosophy (Master), The Reading Session of Buddhist Philosophical Literature (Master), The Introduction to the Eastern Religions (Doctor)


Selected Publications

Publications in Chinese:

1. The origin of the Dharmadhātu of Truth andthe Dharmadhātu of Phenomenon in the Huayan Teaching, Studies in World Religions,2021(6), pp.83-93.

2. The Development of the Conception of Dharmakāya in the Early Prajñāpāramitā Literature, TheWorld Religious Cultures, 2020(3), pp.131-138.

3. The Debates on the Asaṃskṛtadharma and the Concepts about Truth in the Early Prajñāpāramitā Literature, The World Philosophy, 2020 (2), pp. 130-142.

4.The Sinolization of the Mahāyāna Buddhist Truth in the Prajñāpāramitā Literature translated by Kumārajīva, Religion and History (vol. 12), Social Sciences Academic Press,2020, pp. 10-26.

5. The Sinolized Administrative System of Buddhist Temple from the Perspective of Chanyuan Qinggui, Chinese Religions, 2019 (3), pp.54-55.

6. The Buddhānusmṛti in the Chinese Five-Doors Meditation and Sanskrit Meditation Manual from Central Asia, Chung-Hwa Buddhist Studies 18, 2017, pp. 113-139.

7. The Silk Road Origin of the Samādhi of Recollecting Buddha taught by Kumārjīva, The World Religious Cultures, 2017 (4), pp. 21-27.

Publications in Other Languages:

1. A narrative in Prajñāpāramitā literature and the Samādhi of direct encounter with present Buddhas, Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, vol. 43 (2020), pp. 253 – 274.

2.『涅槃経』の仏性論と漢伝仏教における般若中觀思想 [The Buddha-nature Theory in the Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra and the Prajñāpāramitā / Madhyamaka Thoughts of Chinese Buddhism], Studies in the East Asia Buddhism東アジア仏教研究, No. 18 (2020), pp. 434-451.


Research Grants

The National Social Science Fund of China (2019 Youth Project), “The Annotated Chinese Translation and the Study on the Buddhist Yoga Literatures” (19CZJ015).

The Nankai University Research Project of the Social Science (2018, No. 330 / 63192128).


Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Grant for Critical Editions and Scholarly Translations in Buddhist Studies (2019-2020), “An English Translation of a Sanskrit Buddhist ‘Yoga Manual’ from Kučā”.