Xia zhao
College of Philosophy, Nankai University, 309Post Code:
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【Basic information】

Name: Zhao XIA

Gender: Male

Academic Title: Assistant Professor

Office: College of Philosophy, Nankai University, 309

Email: xiazhao@nankai.edu.cn

Areas of Research: Dialectics, Contemporary Marxist Philosophy, Classical German Philosophy (especially Hegel)




2009-2013: College of Philosophy, Nankai University

2013-2019: College of Philosophy, Nankai University, Ph.D. in Philosophy

2015-2017: Faculty of Philosophy, Heidelberg University, Joint training doctoral program (Financial support: Hanns-Seidel-Foundation and CSC)

【Work Experience】

2019-: College of Philosophy, Nankai University, Assistant Professor


Undergraduate Courses

Dialectics, The Young Hegel, Introduction to Philosophy

Graduate Courses

The Young Hegelians, Frontiers of Marxist Philosophy, Contemporary Marxist Philosophy

【Selected Publications】


1. Zhao Xia, “On the relationship between skepticism and dialectics from Hegel’s ‘Skepticism’-Article”, in Social Science Front, 2022 (5).

2. Zhao Xia, “On the use of dialectics in Feuerbach's philosophy and Marx's inheritance and transcendence of Feuerbach's philosophy”, in Jiangsu Social Sciences, 2020 (6).

3. Zhao Xia, “Transformation of Kant and Hegel to the traditional realism: Inquiry into the origin of ‘New Realism’ in recent years”, in Study & Exploration, 2019 (5).

4. Nanshi Wang, Zhao Xia, “From the logic of subjective actions to the logic of objective structures: Dialectics of the part ‘Commodities and Money’ in ‘Capital’”, in Philosophical Research, 2019 (3).

5. Nanshi Wang, Zhao Xia, “Man is objective Activity: The first principle of Marx’ philosophical ontology”, in Tianjin Social Sciences, 2019 (1).

6. Zhao Xia, “Towards the dialectics of practical philosophy. Review of ‘Dialectics: From theoretical logic to practical wisdom’”, in Changfu Xu, eds., The Review of Practical Philosophy, vol. 1, Guangzhou: Sun Yat-Sen University Press, 2014, pp. 295-302.

7. Nanshi Wang, Zhao Xia, “The spiritual consequence of modernity: the West and China”, in Social Science Front, 2014 (1)

8. Nanshi Wang, Zhao Xia, “The spiritual phenomenon of modernity in the perspective of Historical Materialism”, in Marxist Philosophy Series, 2013 (3)


1. Dieter Henrich, „Die Formationsbedingungen der Dialektik: Über die Untrennbarkeit der Methode Hegels von Hegels System“, in Revue Internationale de Philosophie, Vol. 36, No. 139 /140 (1/2), trans. by Zhao Xia from German to Chinese, in Tsinghua Studies in Western Philosophy, 2020 (1)

【Research Grants】

1. The National Social Science Fund of China (NSSFC): “Research on the extension of New Dialectics School” (No. 21CZX001), under research

2. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation: “A study of the theoretical and ideological-historical effects of the contemporary Marxist New Dialectics School” (No. 2020M670638), under research

3. The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities: “Research on contemporary Marx's new dialectical interpretation and its Hegelian philosophical background” (No. 63202057), under research

4. Participated in “Translation and study of Adorno's philosophical literature” (No. 20&ZD034), major project supported by The National Social Science Fund of China (NSSFC), under research

5. Participated in “A comparative and integrative study of Marxist philosophy and classical Chinese philosophy” (No. 16ZDA097), major project supported by The National Social Science Fund of China (NSSFC), under research