Fan Guangxin
Associate Professor
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【Basic information】

Name:FAN Guangxin


Administrative Position:

Academic Title:Associate Professor



Areas of Research:modern Chinese philosophy; political philosophy

Academic Organization Memberships:

Fan Guangxin is an associate professor in the College of Philosophy at Nankai University.  He is a specialist in Chinese intellectual history and political philosophy.  He has published a book studying the ways in which Hunan Neo-Confucian moral philosophers pursued the truth of good governance and arts of statesmanship through a critical reevaluation of Confucian Canonical scholarship in late Qing.  He is now completing another project on the reception of Rousseau’s Du Contrat Social at the turn of the 20th Century China.  Dr. Fan’s research interests include modern Chinese intellectual history, Chinese political thought, European political philosophy, and comparative political philosophy.  He is particularly interested in the comparative study of Chinese and European political thought, the discourses of revolution and democracy, and modern Chinese intellectuals’ reevaluation of Chinese classical tradition.




University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

PhD in Political Philosophy, 2014.

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

PhD in Chinese Intellectual History, 2005.

Nanjing University, PRC

BA in History, 1998.

【Work Experience】

Nankai University

Associate Professor, 2017-

Hong Kong Baptist University

Research Assistant Professor, 2014-2017.

The Pennsylvania State University--Abington College,

Visiting Lecturer, 2008.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Research Associate, 2005-2006.



Undergraduate Courses: Modern Chinese Philosophy, Modern Chinese Political Philosophy, Classical Chinese Philosophy, Philosophy and Modern World.

Graduate Courses: Comparative Political Philosophy, Modern Chinese Philosophy and Culture, Classics of Chinese Political Philosophy


【Selected Publications】






2. 《强势君主与社会契约:晚清中译本对卢梭理论的改造》,《学术月刊》,2021年2月。

3. 《从齐家到经世如何可能:晚清湖南理学家的思考》, 《学术月刊》,2019年12月。


5. 《中国人的大学印象和中国大学理念的起源1866-1895》,《南开学报》,2019年7月。

6. 《从“大书院”到“大学”:近代中国对university的翻译》,《江海学刊》,2019年7月。


【Research Grants】

