【讲座信息】Logic and Multi-agent Strategic Reasoning


Logic and Multi-agent Strategic Reasoning
主讲人:Valentin Goranko,

时间:2018年3月20日 13:00


Over the past decade Logic has become an increasingly popular and useful framework for modeling and analyzing strategic reasoning in games and multi-agent systems. Various formal logical systems have been proposed and studied for that purpose. Besides the purely technical and intrinsically logical problems that have arisen in these studies, a multitude of new conceptual questions related to the semantics of these logics have emerged. These questions refer to the fundamental notions of strategies and strategic abilities of agents/players and coalitions of agents to achieve objectives, particularly in the context of incomplete information. 

In this talk I will introduce some of the currently most popular modal logics for multi-agent systems, where one can formally express statements about the strategic ability of an agent or a coalition of agents, to achieve a goal, such as: “The agent (or, coalition of agents) A has a strategy such that,  if A follows that strategy, then the goal G will be achieved, no matter what the other agents do”. I will present and discuss complete axiomatic systems for some of these logics.  

Then I will discuss briefly some of the conceptual problems that arise in the area, related to strategic reasoning under incomplete information, the interaction between information and strategic abilities of agents and coalitions, and the dynamics of strategic commitment and strategy contexts in the formal semantics of logics for strategic reasoning.