
Basic Information

Name: Francesco Di Iorio

Gender: Male

Job title: Associate Professor

Working address: Nankai University, Department of Philosophy, Tongyan Road 38, Haihe Education Park, Jinnan District, Tianjin,P.R.China

Zip Code: -300350

E-mail: francesco-di-iorio@outlook.com

Academic part-time job:


Personal Data

DI IORIO Francesco, male, born in Naples (Italy) in April 1976


Educational Background

– 2012: PhD in Philosophy, with honors, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS)/ Centre de Recherche en Épistémologie Appliquée of École Polytechnique (CREA), Paris, France  – Dissertation Title: « Cognitive Autonomy and Methodological Individualism : Reflections on Hayek’s Epistemology of Action »/ – PhD Advisor : Jean Petitot (EHESS/École Polytechnique) – Co-Advisor: Enzo Di Nuoscio (Università del Molise/Luiss University, Italy).

–2005 : DEA (Master in Advanced Studies) in Phylosophy, with honors, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, France – Dissertation Title:   “The Theory of Self-Organization in Hayek’s Thought”/ Advisor : Jean Petitot (EHESS/ École Polytechnique)

–2001 : Laurea vecchio ordinamento (Master’s degree) in Political and and Social Thought, First Class Honours, Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali – Guido Carli (LUISS), Rome, Italy/ Advisor: Dario Antiseri (LUISS)


Work Experience


–2016-Present: Associate Professor, Nankai University, China – One Hundred Young Academic Leaders Program of Nankai University/Tianjin One Thousand Talents Plan (Philosophy of Social Science)

–2015-2016:  Associate Professor, Southeast University, China (Philosophy of Social Science).

-2014-2015: Temporary Lecturer at ESCP Europe Paris, France (Philosophy of Social Science).

-2014-2015: Adjunct Professor (Philosophy of Social Science), LUISS University, Rome, Italy

-2014 (March/December – 9 months): Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Groupe d’études des méthodes de l’analyse sociologique de la Sorbonne (GEMASS)  – Sorbonne Paris 4 University, Paris, France (Fernand Braudel incoming Fellowship)/Visiting Scholar at La Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme (FMSH), Paris, France.

–2012-1014: Adjunct Professor (Philosophy of Social Science), LUISS University, Rome, Italy.

–2013 (Juanuary/July – 7 months): Postdocoral Research Fellow, Duke University (Center for the History of Political Economy), USA (post-doc supervisor: Bruce Caldwell).

–2009-2012 : Researcher with grant (Philosophy of Social Science),  LUISS University, Rome, Italy

– 2007-2010 : Teaching Assistant (Philosophy of Social Science), LUISS University, Rome, Italy.

– 2006-2007: Organization of the seminar : « Aperçus sur quelques problèmes d’épistémologie de l’histoire » (The Methodology of History), CREA of École Polytechnique, Paris, France.

– 2006-2007: Co-organization of the seminar “La logique de l’action” (The Logic of Action) with Marian Eabrasu (Paris 8 University) and Nikolay Gertchev (European Commission, Brussels, Belgium), Panthéon-Assas Paris II University, Paris, France.

– 2005-2006: Co-organization of the seminar « Sociologie, systèmes complexes et évolution culturelle » with David Chavalarias (CREA, École Polytechnique), CREA of École Polytechnique, Paris, France.

– 2003-2008: adjunct instructor (Philosophy of Social Science), Università degli Studi del Molise, Campobasso, Italy.



IUndergraduate courses

- Philosophy of Science

- Philosophy of the Social Sciences

IIGraduate courses

Master students courses:

Philosophy of Science

Selected Readings in Philosophy of Science

PhD students courses:

Philosophy of the Social Sciences




IResearch Fields

Epistemology, Philosophy of Social Science, Philosophy of Economics and History of Sociology


IIMonographs / Edited books / Journal Special Issues

– (Editor with Nathalie Bulle, CNRS/Sorbonne University), Palgrave Handbook of Methodological Individualism, Two Volumes, Palgrave MacMillan, work in progress.

– (Editor with Hu Jun, Nankai University) Agency and Social Dynamics. Essays in the Philosophy of Economics and the Social Sciences (in Chinese), Nankai University Press (forthcoming 2021).

List of contributors:

Bruce Caldwell (Duke University), Chor-yung Cheung (City University of Hong Kong), Paul Dumouchek (Ritsumeikan University), Danile Little (University of Michigan-Dearborn), Uskali Maki (University of Helsinki), Jean Petitot (Ecole des hautes études en Sciences Sociales), Barry Smith (The State University of New York at Buffalo), Stephen Turner (University of South Florida)

– (Editor with Gérald Bronner, Paris-Diderot University/French Academy of Technologies) The Mystery of Rationality. Mind, Beliefs and the Social Sciences, Springer, Cham (2018)

List of contributors:

 Joseph Agassi (Tel Aviv University and York University), Peter Boettke (George Mason University), Alban Bouvier (Institut Jean Nicod, ENS), Enzo Di Nuoscio (UniMol), Paul Dumouchel (Ritsumeikan University), Shaun Gallagher (University of Memphis), Herbert Gintis (Santa Fe Institute), Ian Jarvie (York University), Roger Frantz (San Diego University), Daniel Little (University of Michigan-Dearborn), Pierre Livet (Aix-Marseille University), Leslie Marsh (University of British Columbia), Karl-Dieter Opp (Leipzig University and University of Washington ), Emmanuel Picavet (Sorbonne Paris 1 University).

– ポパーの思想における世界3と方法論的個人主義 (Japanese translation of my article “World 3 and Methodological Individualism in Popper’s Thought”), Amazon kindle book published by the Japan Popper Society, 2018.

-Cognitive Autonomy and Methodological Individualism: The Interpretative Foundations of Social Life, Springer, Cham, 2015 – book series “Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics”.

– (French Traslation) Autonomie cognitive et individualisme méthodologique, Éditions Hermann, Paris – book séries « Société et Pensées »  (accepted for publication).

–Journal Special Issue: Selected Papers from the Joint Conference of the Asian Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences, the European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences, and the Philosophy of Social Science Roundtable. Guest editor (with Chor-yung Cheung, Paul Dumouchel, Reiko Gotoh, Mark Tamthai, Kei Yoshida, Alban Bouvier, Byron Kaldis, Eleonora Montuschi, Julie Zahle, Jesús Zamora-Bonilla, David Henderson, Kareem Khalifa, Mark Risjord, Paul Roth, Deborah Tollefsen, Stephen Turner), Philosophy of the Social Sciences (SAGE) forthcoming.


–Journal Special Issue: Selected Papers from the Asian Conference on the Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Nankai University, 1-2 June, 2019. Guest editor with (Chor-yung Cheung, City University of Hong Kong, Paul Dumouchel, Ritsumeikan University, Reiko Gotoh, Hitotsubashi University, Mark Tamthai, Payap University, Kei Yoshida, Waseda University), Philosophy of the Social Sciences (SAGE), Volume 50 Issue 3, June 2020.


– Journal Special Issue: Methodological Individualism, Structural Constraints and Social Complexity, Cosmos +Taxis. Studies in Emergent Order and Organization (Simon Fraser University/University of British Columbia), double special issue, Vol. 3 / issues 2+3, 2016 (114 pages).


– Journal Special Issue: Liberalismo e Anarcocapitalismo. La Scuola austriaca di economia (Coedited with Dario Antiseri and Enzo Di Nuoscio), Nuova Civiltà delle Macchine, Rai/Eri – Gennaio/Giugno 1/2 2011, special issue (556 pages) 


IIIAcademic papers

– “Methodological Individualism and Institutional Individualism: A Discussion with Joseph Agassi” (with Joseph Agassi, York University and Nathalie Bulle, CNRS/Sorbonne), in Nathalie Bulle and Francesco Di Iorio (eds.) Palgrave Handbook of Methodological Individualism, Volume II, Palgrave MacMillan.

– Book review of “F.A. Hayek and the Epistemology of Politics (Routledge, 2020)” by Scott Scheall. European Journal of the History of Economic Thought (Routledge), forthcoming.

-“The Hermeneutical Foundations of Social Life” in 育才造士——南开百青教育随笔, Nankai University Press, forthcoming.

-“Analytical sociology and critical realism” (with Francisco León-Medina, University of A Coruña) in Manzo G. (ed.), Research Handbook on Analytical Sociology, Edward Elgar Publishing, forthcoming.

– “Raimondo Cubeddu, l’ordine sensoriale e il fondamento neurobiologico del soggettivismo e dell’individualismo” in A. Masala (ed.), Lo sguardo sulla libertà. Saggi in onore di Raimondo Cubeddu, IBL Libri, Milano, forthcoming.

– “Nominalism, supervenience and methodological individualism”, Politica.eu. Rivista Telematica Interdisciplinare, Onlinefirst, Pagine Nuove October 2020.

–  “Individualisme méthodologique et réductionnisme”, L’Année Sociologique (Presses universitaires de France), 2020/1 (Vol. 70), pp. 97-128.

– “On the Connection Between Agent-Based Simulation and Methodological Individualism” (with Shu-Heng Chen, Chengchi University, Taipei), Social Science Information, May 2019 – OnlineFirst, pp. 1-23.

-“Filosofia della scienza e scienze sociali” (with Enzo Di Nuoscio, University of Molise) in P. Barrotta e E. Montuschi (eds.), La Filosofia della Scienza in Italia, Armando, Roma, 2019.

-“Economic Explanation as Translation: Hermeneutics, Fallibilism and Austrian Methodology”, Prospettiva Persona,  n. 103, 2018- 3-26, pp. 37-39.

– “From the Hermeneutics of Mind to the Hermeneutics of Capital”, Storia Libera, n.7, Marzo 2018, pp. 203-209.

– “The Ant Trap” (Oxford University Press, 2015) by Brian Epstein, Philosophy of the Social Sciences (with Catherine Herfeld, University of Zurich), onLineFirst, DOI: 10.1177/0048393117724757 | First Published August 31, 2017, pp. 1-24.

–Hayek on Mind and Anti-Foundationalism, Politica.eu. Rivista Telematica Interdisciplinare, Dicembre 2017, Anno 3, n.2, pp. 5-12.

– “World 3 and Methodological Individualism in Popper’s Thought”, Philosophy of the Social Sciences 2016, vol. 46(4), pp. 352-374 .

– “Hayek and the Hermeneutics of Mind”, Social Science Information, 2015, Vol. 54(2), pp. 177-191.

– “Rethinking Boudon’s Cognitive Rationality in the Light of Mises’ Apriorism and Gadamer’s Hermeneutics” (coauthored with Enzo Di Nuoscio), Journal des Économistes et des Études Humaines, ISSN (Online) 2153-1552, ISSN (Print) 2194-5799, DOI: 10.1515/jeeh-2014-0010, December 2014

– “Cognitive Autonomy and Epistemology of Action in Hayek’s and Merleau-Ponty’s Thought”  in R. Frantz and R. Leeson (eds.) Hayek and Behavioral Economics (with a foreword by Vernon Smith, Nobel Economics Prize Winner), Palgrave Macmillan 2013 (refereed book chapter).

– “Maurice Merleau-Ponty: dalla neuro-fenomenologia alla critica dell’olismo sociologico” in D. Antiseri (Ed.), La responsabilità del filosofo. Studi in onore di Massimo Baldini, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2013.

– (Invited Book Foreword) “Dalla filosofia alla scienza, e ritorno: l’analisi della conoscenza tra epistemologia e scienze cognitive” (with Enzo Di Nuoscio and Gustavo Cevolani), introduction to J-M. Besnier, Teorie della conoscenza, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2013 (Les théories de la connaissance, PUF -Italian translation).

– “Mind, Market and Open Society in Hayek’s Thought” in P. Heritier, P.Silvestri (Eds.), Good Government, Governance, Human Complexity. Luigi Einaudi’s Legacy and Contemporary Societies , Leo Olschki, Firenze, 2012 (refereed book chapter).

– “Il paradigma enattivo e la sociologia individualistica” in R. De Mucci & Kurt Leube (Eds.), Un austriaco in Italia – An Austrian in Italy. Festschrift in Honour of Dario Antiseri, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2012.

– “Hayek and Merleau-Ponty on Mind and Interpretative Sociology” in Logic and Philosophy of Science, Vol. IX, No. 1, 2011, pp. 437-443 (Proceedings of SILFS Conference).

– “Da Kant alla complessità: il “nuovo Illuminismo” di Jean Petitot, in Nuova Civiltà delle macchine, Gennaio/Giugno 1/2 2011

–  “The Sensory Order and the Neurophysiological Basics of Methodological Individualism” in William N. Butos (Ed.) The Social Science of Hayek’s the Sensory Order – Advances in Austrian Economics volume 13, Emerald, UK, 2010 (refereed book chapter).

–  “Self-Organization of the Mind and Methodological Individualism in Hayek’s Thought” in M. D’Agostino, G. Giorello, F, Laudisa, T. Pievani, C. Sinigaglia (Eds.), Silfs. New Essays in Logic and Philosophy of Science (Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference of the Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science), London, UK, College Publications, 2010 (refereed book chapter).

–  “Hayek’s Connectionist Psychology as a Defense for the Sociology of Good Reasons”, in Mohammed Cherkaoui & Peter Hamilton (Eds.), Raymond Boudon. A life in Sociology. Essays in Honour of Raymond Boudon, 4 volumes, Oxford, UK, The Bardewell Press, 2009.

–  “Apriorism and Fallibilism: Mises and Popper on the Explanation of Action and Social Phenomena”, in Nuova Civiltà delle Macchine, anno XXVI, n. 4- 2008.

–  “Why Mises’ Apriorism and Popper’s Fallibilism are not Incompatible (I)”, in Nomoi n. 3, 2008. Revista Digital de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas – Fundacion F. A. Hayek (Argentina) y Universidad Francisco Marroquin (Guatemala)

–  “Why Mises’ Apriorism and Popper’s Fallibilism are not Incompatible (II)”, in Nomoi n. 4, 2008. Revista Digital de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas – Fundacion F. A. Hayek (Argentina) y Universidad Francisco Marroquin (Guatemala)

–  “L’espace poppérien du raisonnement historique: trois critiques contre le dualisme méthodologique de Jean-Claude Passeron” in Nuova Civiltà delle Macchine, n. 2, 2007

–  “Evidence de l’histoire ”, François Hartog, Nuova Civiltà delle macchine, ANNO XXV – N°1 – 2007.

–  “Le rite et la raison. Wittgenstein anthropologue”, Philippe De Lara, Nuova Civiltà delle macchine, ANNO XXV – N°2 – 2007.

–  “Le métier de sociologue. Préalables épistémologiques” (Cinquième édition), P. Bourdieu, J-C. Chanboredon, J-C. Passeron, in Nuova Civiltà delle macchine, ANNO XXV – N°2 – 2007.

–   “Les théories de la connaissance”, J-M Besnier, Nuova Civiltà delle macchine, ANNO XXV – N°2 – 2007.

– “Dalla teoria della dispersione della conoscenza alla cibernetica economica: l’auto-organizzazine del mercato secondo F. von Hayek”, Quaderni del CMSS Luiss, Rome, Luiss Edizioni, 2006.


IVAcademic Translation

– P. Nemo & Jean Petitot (eds) Storia del liberalismo in Europa, Rubettino, Soveria Mannelli (book, 1440 pages), translation from French into Italian, with Federico Saviotti and Gustavo Cevolani (French edition : P. Nemo, Jean Petitot (sous la direction de) Histoire du libéralisme en Europe, Paris, Puf, 2006), 2013.

– Raymond Boudon, “La conversione di Coleman alla teoria della scelta razionale: impressioni e congetture”/Pierre Demeulenaeire, “Le norme della razionalità”, in Enzo Di Nuoscio (Ed.), Filosofia dell’azione e teorie della razionalità,  edizioni L.U.I.S.S. Roma, 2002, (book chapters – translation from French into Italian/French version: Raymond Boudon “La conversion de Coleman à la théorie du choix rationnel : impressions et conjectures”, Revue française de sociologie 2003/2 – Vol. 44 / Pierre Demeulenaeire, “Les normes de la rationalité”).


VRelated academic publications


VIResearch Projects

I am an international collaborator for the Project “Consilience and Ontological Turn: Agent-Based Computational Economics in the History and Philosophy of Science” of which Professor Shu-Heng Chen from Chengchi University in Taipei is the principal investigator


-2017 Tianjin One Thousand Talents Plan

-2015 Nankai One Hundred Young Academic Leaders Program.

-2014 FMSH-Fernand Braudel Postdoctoral Research Fellowship.

-2013 Warren J. and Sylvia J. Samuels Young Scholars Program (to attend the Vancouver meetings of the History of Economics Society June 20-22, 2013).

-2013 Hope Center-Duke University Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

-2009 Luiss University 4 years Research Fellowship (2009-2012).

– 2009: “Humane Studies Fellow” IHS – George Mason University, Washington DC (USA)

– 2008: “Humane Studies Fellow” IHS – George Mason University, Washington DC (USA)

– 2007: “Humane Studies Fellow”, IHS – George Mason University, Washington DC (USA)

– 2006: Franco-Italian University Fellowship, Franco-Italian University (UFI) of Grenoble, France.

– 2003: Fondazione Einaudi Fellowship, Rome, Fondazione Einaudi.



-2020-2021: Member of the Scierntific Committee for the The Asian Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (ANPOSS), the European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (ENPOSS), and the Philosophy of Social Science Roundtable (POSS-RT) 2021 joint conference, March 4-7, 2021, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan.

-2020: Visiting Professor, Gemass Research center, Sorbonne University, Paris, France (January 24-27, 2020)

-2020: Visiting Professor, Human Sciences Department, University of Molise, Italy (January 13-23 and February 29-14).

–2019-Present: I am an international collaborator for the Project “Consilience and Ontological Turn: Agent-Based Computational Economics in the History and Philosophy of Science” of which Professor Shu-Heng Chen from Chengchi University in Taipei is the principal investigator.

-2018 -Present: Member of the steering committee of the Asian Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (ANPOSS).

-2019: Member of the Scientific Committee for the 2019 Conference of the European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (ENPOSS), Athens, The National Technical University of Athens (Greece), 28 – 30 August 2019.

-2019: Visiting Scholar, Institut Jean Nicod, École normale supérieure, France (January 27 – February 1).

-2019: Visiting Professor, Human Sciences Department, University of Molise, Italy (January 12-26 and February 2-14).

-2018: Visiting Professor, GEMASS, Sorbonne Paris4 Univerisity, France (February 1-February 7).

-2018: Visiting Professor, Human Sciences Department, University of Molise, Italy (January 22-31 and February 8-23).

-2017- Present: Member of the Association of the Italian Academics in China (AAIC)

-2017: Visiting Professor, CAMS, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), France (January 29-February 2).

-2017: Visiting Professor, Human Sciences Department, University of Molise, Italy (January 20-28 and February 3-8).

-2016-2017: Member of the Scientific Committee for the 6th Conference of the European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (ENPOSS), Kracow University of Economics, Krakow (Poland), September 20-22, 2017.

– 2016: Member of the International Program Committee for the Economics in the Era of Natural Computationalism and Big Data Conference. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the “Theory of Self-Reproducing Automata” by John von Neumann, Duke University (USA), November 11- 13, 2016.

– 2013: Member of the History of Economics Society (HES)

– 20o7-2011: Member of the Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science (SILFS)

– 2011-Present : Referee for the journals Mind (Oxford University Press), Philosophy of the Social Sciences (Sage), Synthese (Springer), International Studies in the Philosophy of Science (Routledge), Social Science Information (Sage), History of Political Economy (Duke University Press), Journal of the History of Economic Thought (Cambridge University Press), Sage OPEN (Sage), Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics (Erasmus University, Rotterdam), Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology (Emerald), Revue de Philosophie économique (Vrin), The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics (Mises Institute, Auburn, AL.), Journal of Market and Morality (Acton Institute)

– 2016-Present: Book reviewer for Routledge, Wiley and Brill.

– 2010: Member of the Research Center “Osservatorio sul Buon governo Luigi Einaudi” Associazione Polis , Piemonte Orientale University, Italy.

– 2007-2010: Member of the Methodology of Social Sciences Centre (CMSS), LUISS University, Rome, Italy – Director: Dario Antiseri.


-2020-present Member of the Network “Talents for Southern Italy” created by the Italian Minister for the South (membro della “Rete Talenti per il Sud” promossa dal Ministero per il Sud e la Coesione Territoriale)

-2020-present Center for Market Education Fellow, Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

-2019-present Member of the Aspen Institute Comunità dei Talenti italiani all’estero (Community of the Italian Talents Abroad), Aspen Institute Italia.

-2019 Organizer of the Asian Conference on the Philosophy of the Social Sciences. Selected papers from the conference will be published in the journal Philosophy of the Social Sciences. Invited speakers: Alban Bouvier (Institut Jean Nicod, École Normale Supérieure), Fan Guangxin (Nankai University), Daniel Little (University of Michigan-Dearborn), Uskali Maki (University of Helsinki/Nankai University), Paul A. Roth (University of California, Santa Cruz), and Tang Shiping (Fudan University). Conference website: https://asiancposs.wordpress.com/

-2017 September: Organizer of the International Workshop “Nanakai Univeristy Workshop on the Philosophy of Economics and the Social Sciences”, Nankai University, Tianjin (China). Speakers: Bruce Caldwell (Duke University), Chor-yung Cheung (City University of Hong Kong), Paul Dumouchel (Ritsumeikan University), Uskali Maki (University of Helsinki/Nankai University), Jean Petitot (Ecole des hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales), Barry Smith (State University of New York at Buffalo), and Stephen Turner (University of South Florida).

–2011 September : Archival Research at Hayek Archive, Hoover Institution, Stanford University – San Francisco, USA – (financed by the Crea-École Polytechnique and Stanford University) – invited by Professor Robert Leeson (Stanford University).

– 2009 July-August: Summer fellow, Mises Institute, Auburn, Al., USA, (Margaret Rowley fellowship).

– 2009 July : Organizer of the International Colloquium Actualité de l’individualisme méthodologique (The Contemporary Relevance of Methodological Individualism), Sorbonne University Paris I, Paris (France). Partial list of the speakers : Dario Antiseri (Luiss University), Raymond Boudon (Sorbonne Paris 4/ Institut de France), Alban Bouvier (Institu Jean Nicod, École normale supérieure), Gerald Bronner (Paris Diderot university/ Institut de France), Michel Dubois (CNRS/Sorbonne Paris 4), Jean-Pierre Dupuy (Ecole polytechnique/Stanford University), Jean Petitot (EHESS/Ecole polytechnique)

– 2008 May-August: Summer fellow, Mises Institute, Auburn, Al., USA, (Margaret Rowley fellowship).

– 2007 July-August: Summer fellow, Mises Institute, Auburn, Al., USA, (Margaret Rowley fellowship).

– 2007 June: Organizer of the international workshop “Evolution culturelle” (Cultural Evolution), CREA, École Polytechnique, Paris, France. Partial list of the speakers: Dario Antiseri (Luiss University), Raymond Boudon (Sorbonne Paris 4/ Institut de France), Jean-Pierre Dupuy (Ecole polytechnique/Stanford University), Jean Petitot (EHESS/Ecole polytechnique)


– Philosophy of the Social Sciences , Sage –2018

– Studies in Classical Liberalism Book series, Palgrave-Mcmillan, UK –2017

– –Oeconomia: History, Methodology, Philosophy, — 2020

– Cosmos + TaxisStudies in Emergent Order and Organizations (on-line peer-reviewed journal published by Simon Fraser University and University of British Columbia, Canada) –2013

– Mises. Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy, Laws and Economics (on-line peer-reviewed journal published by the Instituto Mises Brasil) –2018


2018: Jacopo Marchetti (University of Florence/ University of Pisa, Italy), outside committee member.  Title of the dissertation: ‘Thinking the Order. Mind, Evolution and Institutions’ (Department of Civilizations and Forms of Knowledge). PhD supervisor: Raimondo Cubeddu (University of Pisa).